Saturday, May 2, 2015

Older Americans Month

May is Older Americans Month.  This observance was originally called "Senior Citizen's Month" when it was created in 1963, but it was renamed "Older Americans Month" by President Carter in 1980.  The purpose of Older Americans Month is to "recognize older Americans for their contributions to the nation".
The Administration for Community Living has announced the theme for this year - "Get into the Act". This theme focuses on how older adults are taking charge of their health, getting engaged in their communities, and making a positive impact in the lives of others. 
If you are looking to get involved in your community, remember that the library has lots of opportunities for engagement. You can be a part of the New River Library community garden, help raise money for our children's programs by participating in our Friends of the Library groups, attend our Senior Socials, or volunteer at your local library!

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